Plan Mode for manual creation of Flight plans using Map view display. In plan mode auto generated routes can be modified for error correction or fine tuning by the user. Automatically selects or low high alt airway routes based on cruise altitude. Takes into account preferred departure and arrival routings at specified airports (preffered DEP/ARR routes can be user defined). Optionally can Include/Exclude SID/STAR from flight plan autogeneration. SID/STAR selection only includes SID/STARs available for the selected runway. Automatically selects appropriate SID's STAR's and airways for route. Recognizes single direction airways during auto-generation, and avoids wrong direction airways. Wildcard option to allow single or multiple legs (or gaps) of a partial route to be autogenerated. Automatically selects stored flight plan route when dep/dest matches stored route (option can be disabled). Auto generate complete flight plans from scratch between DEP/DEST. Automatic Export of flight plans to several FlightSim, and FlightSim add-on formats after build completion. User defined fixes/waypoints supported using various lat/lon formats. Route heading/bearing calculations adjusted for magnetic variation. FSNAVIGATOR FSX WINDOWS
Coded Flight Plan automatically placed in windows clipboard after build (optional) for squawkbox 2 users to paste flight plan int SB's flight plan dialog. Build Flight directly from route/table grid option to support user defined waypoints, and to specify certain Navaids. Automatic SID/STAR version number correction during Build.
Automatically selects cruise alt based on aircraft capability, and direction of flight odd-even altitudes. Expanded cruise fuel performance support (fuel flow calculations adjusted as aircraft's gross weight changes in cruise). Fuel 'Bias' adjustment support for use with different variants of the same aircraft type.
Performance calculations adjusted for Winds aloft forecast at each waypoint (via fsmeteo,ActiveSkywxRe or SimWx). Optionally insert TOC/TOD waypoints into flight plan. Step climb profile can be calculated for long distance routes. Optionally Include or Exclude SID or STAR from route during build. Map view automatically re-zooms to show only area between deprture and destination after each build. Manual Flight plan creation using Navaids, Airways SID's and STAR Identifiers. Flight Plan waypoints displayed in Active route table/grid after each build. Route Plotted over World Map after each Flight plan build. Enhanced coded route interpreter, interprets various coded Route/Flight Plan formats. FSNAVIGATOR FSX CODE
Search/Filter flight plan list display by departure, destination airport city name or ICAO code.Support user definition of stored flight plan categories linked to user defined flight plan files.Log kept of recently Created/Built Flight Plans for easy retrieval and reuse.Database of 10,000+ ready to use stored flight plans included.Can be used with X-Plane,FS2002,PS1,FLY!2 FlightSims.Performance calculations adjusted for Winds aloft forecast at each waypoint (Available for SimWx, FSMeteo 5.2, and ActiveSkeywxRe).Detailed Navigation log with aircraft climb, cruise,descent, and fuel performance information included.Exporting of flight plans to several FlightSim, and FlightSim add-on formats.Support for insertion of daily, and static North Atlantic and Pacific Track routings into Flight Plans.Canada Preferred IFR routes database included.
Entire FAA Preferred IFR routes and Severe weather routes database included (can be easily updated by a download from FAA's web site).Import routes created with external Flight Planners/Flight Planning web sites.Easy access to flight plans stored on the websites for easy copy/paste directly into Fsbuild.10,000+ ready to use flight plans included.Aircraft performance calculations climb cruise, descent, and fuel.Optional Step climb calculations for long range Flights.'Plan mode' feature allows use of the Map view for manually creating flight plans from scratch using Navaids, Airways SIDS and STAR's.Airway, and Navaid Search in user specified areas for efficient route planning.Grapical SID/STAR display to assist in determining best SID/STAR route for direction of flight.Flexible automatic route generation, can auto generate complete flight plans from scratch between DEP/DEST, as well was generate a route between two or more defined points.
Enhanced coded route interpreter, interpret various coded route/Flight Plan formats.Map view to graphically display created flight plan routings and available Navaids airways, SIDs and STARs.Fsbuild is a comprehensive IFR flight planner that allows you to create realistic flight plans that can directly be used in flight simulation.